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“The New”


DANC 111: Beginning Modern

S2020 (March 23-May 15)




A question can be directed through three difference sources, depending on its nature. It will be answered within 24hrs, if possible:  


  1. Beginning Ballet Forum If you have a question or need clarification about anything course-related and feel others in the class may also benefit.

  2. chat (the conversation bubble at the bottom right corner of the site).  If you have a question or need clarification about anything course-related and wish for it to be a one-on-one conversation. 

  3. Email ( Should you need to contact me for some other issue or problem not related to course material.  




This “new” online modern course will be magical! It will include instructional (follow-along) videos, self-assessment writing assignments, read/write assignments about nutrition for dancers, and a final vocabulary/rationale exam. No midterm will be given, as originally planned. Videos will be taught by a combination of guest artists and me, and we will teach you floor warm-ups, some center floor work, fun cardio training, and various mat-based stretch/strengthen training with an emphasis on the anatomy that governs dance mechanics.



  • To expand awareness of modern technique, movement quality, and terminology.

  • To increase body awareness, strength, and proper anatomical alignment as it serves in the technique.

  • To have a clearer sense of musicality through time and qualitative dynamics.

  • To comprehend the importance of nutrition for a dancer.

  • To practice professionalism, self-responsibility, positive/inquisitive attitude, versatility, knowledge, and investigation of individual strengths and weaknesses.

  • To critically evaluate in writing movement ideas as well as and self-assess personal development.

  • To preserve a grand appreciation of dance as an art form.



     80% Participation/assignments; 20% final exam (a practical and written exam based on class material).



There are no requirements to purchase texts for this course. All required readings are provided as PDFs on Moodle or on



  • Students are expected to participate in 2.5 hours a week of physical movement, including class barre, center floor, and/or workout videos starting the week of March 23rd-27th.

  • A written self-assessment summary (see description below) will be emailed to me each Friday by 1pm, starting March 27th.

  • Reading and writing assignments will be emailed to me every other Friday by 1pm, starting April 3th.

  • A final exam will be given during finals week, May 18th-22nd

  • Students are responsible for missed work. Make-up work is permissible ONLY if the instructor is informed prior to the due date, and it is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor.



  • an assessment of how the work you accomplished during the week was beneficial toward your development and a dancer

  • a conclusion of the outcome of the work you accomplished during the week, including a rating of the overall practice and how these results may affect future approaches to your training in dance.



The University policy on honesty and plagiarism will be strictly enforced in this class.  The SUNY Potsdam Academic Code defines plagiarism as: “presenting as one's own the distinctive ideas, facts or words of another (in part or in whole) without appropriate acknowledgement of the source. Issues of plagiarism apply to any type of work including, but not limited to exams, papers, any writing or printed text, computer programs, web sites, art, music, photography or video”.  Further information is located on the school’s website.  Make an appointment with the instructor if there are further questions regarding honesty and/or plagiarism.



Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should: (1) register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center; (2) send a letter to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. This should be done during the week of March 22-27, 2020. If you require accommodation for any aspect of this class, please let the instructor know know.  You can also contact Sharon House, the coordinator of accommodative services at extension 3267, or <>  (This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.)



This syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advanced notice.


AND FINALLY… by Friday, March 27th:

  • Sign up as a member (here) in the Friend-zone so you can participate in the Forums and other sections of the site.

  • Send an email to me at: with the following information below.


  1. Your Name

  2. Cell phone/email

  3. Do you have regular internet access? Yes/No

  4. Do you have a way of filming yourself for projects, such as a phone camera? Yes/No

  5. Agree/Disagree -(and reasons why) to the following:


I HAVE READ THE “NEW” GUIDELINES AND COURSE EXPECTATIONS. I understand what will be expected for all students and myself. I agree to follow the rules of the class and understand the consequences if they are broken.

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