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DANCEMAKER - A look at Paul Taylor (1930-2018) and his dance company over several months in 1997.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021

Please watch this documentary in preparation of our upcoming Paul Taylor Residency, so you can better understand Paul Taylor and his legacy. Following the documentary, write a page essay. Use this document as a guide for writing the descriptive elements of your essay. Format the page in MLA. Use this document as a guide.


Preparation of Taylor's piece, "Piazzolla Caldera," from conception and rehearsals to opening night at City Center, frames the film. The troupe's trip to India falls in the middle. Included are black and white footage of rehearsals, and, in color, interviews with Taylor, his dancers, dance critics and scholars, and those who manage the business side. There is also footage of a younger Taylor dancing and film of the troupe performing a dozen Taylor pieces. His genius, his roots, his method of working with dancers, and his sometimes difficult nature draw the attention of those who comment.

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